Steam Distilled From Italy
The citrusy smell of this oil makes it loved by most and easy to blend with any other oil. Great for skin treatment and acne. Many find it extremely useful in stress reduction and anxiety. It has been used to treat various forms of ulcers as well as cold sores. It is also a great addition to any natural deodorant because of it's anti microbial profile and gentle citrus scent. Bergamot has also been used to help treat UTI's and control the spread of bacterial infections due to it's antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Bergamot has also been shown to be helpful in battling chronic fatigue syndrome.
Bergamot blends well with other citrus oils, ylang ylang, frankincense, sandalwood, black pepper, cypress, clary sage, geranium and rosemary.
Warning: Bergamot oil is photosensitive and can cause skin irritations when applied and exposed to the sun. Avoid sun exposure for at least 12 hours after bergamot has been applied. Bergamot can also lead to skin irritation because of it's bergaptene levels. Always dilute bergamot prior to topical use. A skin test prior to use is recommended.