Steam distilled from India
A middle note with a middle aroma, Palmarosa Essential Oil has a sharp, floral note with a hint of rose.
Blends Well With: Cananga, Geranium, Bergamot, Sandalwood and Cedarwood.
Palmarosa essential oil helps to balance and retain moisture of the skin and stimulate cell regeneration as well as balancing the sebum production. Many use this essential oil to help with acne, dermatitis, scarring, dry skin, wrinkles and aging skin. It can also be used to help improve circulation and makes a great addition to DIY cleaners for the home or for the face because of its antiseptic and bactericidal properties. This oil may also help to relieve insomnia and anxiety.
Other Therapeutic properties include: antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, cicatrizant, digestive, febrifuge, circulatory stimulant, hydrating.
Cautions: Consult physician before using during pregnancy, avoid if you have a history of high blood pressure.